Sunday, 12 October 2014

IBM PureDataSystem for Analytics

                          IBM® PureData™ for Analytics, powered by Netezza technology, is changing the game for data warehouse appliances (again). Designed to help you unlock data’s true potential, the new IBM PureData System for Analytics is:

  • Big Data and Business Intelligence ready:  In addition to the features and benefits of the data warehouse appliance itself, you now get the added benefit of additional software to exploit big data opportunities and leading business intelligence capabilities. Included with the data warehouse appliance are software licenses to get you started with IBM Cognos for business intelligence, IBM InfoSphere DataStage for data integration, IBM InfoSphere BigInsights to augment your data warehouse with Hadoop data services and IBM InfoSphere Streams for an introduction to real-time streaming analytics.
  • Advanced security at no extra cost: Enhanced data security is provided through self-encrypting drives on the IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001 models as well as support for the Kerberos authentication protocol.
  • An even broader family of appliance models: The IBM PureData System for Analytics N3001 is available in a range of models to fit a broad range of data capacity needs. New to the N3001 family is a rack mountable appliance to enable midsize organizations to take advantage of the same speed and simplicity provided by the larger models in the family. Also, an 8-rack configuration is available to provide petabyte+ capacity in a single system.

Get some overview idea about IBM® PureData™ for Analytics: IBM PureData System for Analytics

Learn EXT JS from Scratch...

This tutorial provides a tour of ExtJS. Here, you will learn the basics of this javascript framework and how to deal with core concepts as well as with UI components.
Go through the link bellow: